Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ahh, music from high school

I'm sitting here enjoying some old music. It is nice. Music is magical. If you don't think so, you are either wrong or have not had enough music in your life.

Alright, down to business. I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween festivities. Out of the 3 most frightening holidays our country celebrates, I think it is my favorite. Sorry about the blog slacking. I have chosen to take the sleep when it comes to me, and sometimes that interferes with my afternoon access to the church's internet.

After Dan's run last week, he came home with a smile that said "something has not gone well." From this, I inferred that he either fell (which he does more than he should) or he was ridiculously cold. It was the latter. Dan proceeded to get a pretty bad cold, and actually listened to me when I told him to take a decongestant instead of using a nose pot. He is better now and after a mostly restful weekend, he was healed and back to super hyper on Monday. Monday is his day off so I was the recipient of all his craziness. Fun.

Because of his cold though, and my current state of blah we did miss the Halloween party we wanted to go to. He was just to worn out and head miserable and I wasn't feeling the best and a little nervous about going to a party that would probably have a lot of people and limited places to sit. That would lead to a tip and no one wants a tipping pregnant lady. Because I skipped the party though, I finally had energy to get up and go to church. That didn't really go well though either. I know people don't care if I don't stand, but I feel stupid being a supposedly healthy young-ish adult and not standing. But again, it was better than tipping over, so I thought the people would prefer the sitting. And yea, no one even mentioned it. Someone did mention that they didn't recognize me from the back because from that angle I don't look pregnant at all. That was a welcome comment. My brother used to joke that when I turned to the side I could not be seen. That is certainly no longer the case.

We finished our baby class. I was hoping for more confidence from the class, but now I'm just aware of all the stuff I won't remember instead of being entirely clueless. I don't know which is worse. Our teacher really was quite delightful. She also runs the Cuddlers group for new moms and their teeny tiny babies so I might go there to be overwhelmed with all the other new moms and to get out of the house a bit more. We got all registered at the hospital so they are ready for us. I am at 35 weeks today, and I am also ready. Apparently you are considered full term at 37 weeks so once that point comes I'll be fine with a timely exit. My phone app says my baby is over 18 inches long and about 5.25 pounds, or as much as a honeydew melon. Sounds like the size of a baby to me.

We have a slight spider problem in our apartment. It isn't atrocious, but I don't like spiders. They are pretty girthy little guys and extremely fast. One upside was that they weren't climbers, we only saw them on the floor, and I guess the fastest ones are still grounded, but there was one that made it onto the counter in the bathroom. Don't fret, I had a cup. He was not happy about being cupped, or maybe that I accidentally ripped out one of his legs during the cupping, but I have no sympathy for spiders. If they wanted to live, they would stay away from me.

I may have mentioned before that we have some annoying dogs next door who seem to hate everything about the people who inhabit our house. The pack includes a German Shepherd, a possible Lab/Retriever mix, and a Rottweiler who bark all the time, don't have enough room to run, and don't get played with enough. There is a spot in the fence that got destroyed during the storm and we don't know if that's how they got out the other day or it was something else, but on Tuesday they got out. You'd think it'd be time for them to go on an adventure, but no, they seriously just circled our house for like three hours. Luckily, Margaret upstairs is back from her trip and took care of it. It was her first full day back in town though and she hates those dogs, so I doubt that was the welcome home present she wanted.

I am absolutely fed up with living in places with radiators. They are the worst. I have lived in such dwellings for six years and I feel I have put in my time. In Fargo, our radiators sounded like an angry man pounding on pipes into a microphone. At seminary they were less loud, but sprayed water everywhere. Now, it seems that we have multiple drumlines in our ceiling and walls. Most annoying is that these noises occur between 6 pm and 9 am. I know I have mentioned I like the noises that buildings make, and I do, but this is out of control.

Dan and I were unsure if we would get trick-or-treaters at our door last night so we went out. It was a good night and I actually felt good for the whole thing. We went to Target (which was packed), went to Kincaid to look (unsuccessfully) for moose, had delicious Thai food, got some cake, a new headlamp for Dan, and then got Dan a movie and beer. It was a success. We have noticed as of late that the words we say to each other are a bit odd. Most recently I told Dan, "Nice hair... you look like Satan" and at a different time he said to me,"You're cute like the fish on Mario." Oh well, at least we found each other.


  1. I know this is an old post, but I read the following quote today and thought it fit perfectly with your opening.

    "A person who gives this some thought and yet does not regard music as a marvelous creation of God, must be a clodhopper indeed and does not deserve to be called a human being; he should be permitted to hear nothing but the braying of asses and the grunting of hogs." Martin Luther

    Hope you're having a good day!
    Hugs, Kristin

    1. Oi, that made us both laugh quite hard. Thank you!
