Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Anchorage nuances

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. I watched the whole parade and the whole dog show for the first time ever so clearly that was a win. We went over to a friend's place for dinner and enjoyed a good meal with some good people.

I wanted a hoagie the other day so we located one at a pizza place. It was called a hoagie on the menu and baked on a homemade pizza dough bun, so we thought that we would give it a chance. Ummm, it was good, but in any other world this item would be called Stromboli and it was in no way a hoagie. Anchorage does this though. Or rather, they just do what they want. There is a Mexican restaurant called Gallo's, and anywhere else this would be pronounce 'gayo,' except maybe by the old white people in a community who simply don't know any better. I thought that would be the case here, but even in the commercials on the radio it is pronounced Gallo's. And it's not like there is no Mexican population up here; people know how it should be pronounced, but no one does it right, and everyone just talks about it. Maybe it's a marketing strategy of some kind.

Some of you saw that I posted on facebook that we have mice. This is simply an awesome thing to learn 9 days before having a child. On the upside, our landlady might get a cat! Yes! It was brought up at my appointment yesterday and my doctor said that the mice problem is partially because there is so little snow cover so far this year so they have no where to burrow or something like that. She found some in her garage as well. We also found a granola bar stuck between the wall and the kitchen cabinet so I don't think that helped the situation at all. We keep waiting for snow to come and it just doesn't. It has been sunny forever, which is kind of good considering the days aren't very long. It is so dry though. My face skin is falling off in heaps.

Baby is still doing well. Some contractions have happened, but nothing noteworthy. I'm not particularly fond of how much I weigh, but luckily I'm pregnant so that makes it a bit better. I even got a flu shot for the little guy, which is something I don't do, but my doctor recommended it and I figured what the heck. I have never gotten a shot from a smaller needle. I seriously didn't feel a thing, it was so weird.

In these last days of my pregnancy I have been reflecting over the last 9 months. They have been the longest nine months of my life. Besides being sick and dizzy the whole time there really have been no bad things in my pregnancy. I have no weird leg veins or pains, no stretch marks, my feet didn't stretch out, my fingers aren't puffy, and I haven't had to kick Dan out of the bed in order to have room to sleep. In fact, all that pillow support they recommend made my back hurt so that was done a long time ago. I realize that I'm not in the clear yet, but even so, I've been pretty lucky... I guess.

Next time I hope to speak about Bob Smith's Minnesota Christmas Trees. Very exciting.

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