Friday, November 9, 2012

I will teach you things about wildlife

Besides the spiders that scamper across our floors occasionally, the picture below contains the most frightening thing about our apartment. It is the hook on the back of our bathroom door. I find it just a bit creepy. And it's not like the bathroom has a frog theme or anything, there is simply this weird frog hook.

I had some great spicy Thai food yesterday with a friend. Goodness it was delicious. It might have food coma-ed me a bit, but these days it's real hard to tell.

We have a couple of friends who offered to buy us a car seat. Holy generous batman. We decided not to go with the whole travel system thing because of how bulky those strollers are and the fact that we just wont need it much and then we'll have to get it back to Minnesota and everything. Then we were thinking about getting a convertible car seat so we wouldn't need to buy another, but Cory pointed out that his didn't fit in his explorer and our back seat is minuscule, so it probably wouldn't work in there either. Honestly, they should just make one car seat in different colors. It's hard for pregnant people to make decisions. Really hard.

We got a bit of snow early this morning and we're supposed to have some freezing rain coming this weekend so that should be fun to do car seat searching in. Especially considering that they don't use salt here and the drivers are crazy. Seriously. I consider myself an assertive enough driver, but it is like I am the slowest Sunday Driver in the world. And then we are surrounded by giant trucks when we're on the road so it's extra terrifying.

I've learned some things from the TV this week. First of all, I have learned that I really like the show Big Cat Diary on Animal Planet. It's great. It follows cheetahs, leopards and lions and their families and it's wonderful. Baby big kitties are especially cute. The knowledge I have for you is thus; Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their neck as humans do and because giraffes are most vulnerable when they are sleeping, they only enjoy about five minutes of deep sleep every twenty-four hours or so. Also, they look super awkward when they run, especially from behind. Now you can rest easy knowing you learned something new today!

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