Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's tricky to rock a rhyme

That song has been stuck in my head since watching the news this morning. It won't leave.

We have a car seat! And a bundleme! We are almost good to go on the baby front. The car seat has jungle animals on it. It is very exciting. Today we are doing car seat installation. That will be fun...

Dan and I have learned that weather forecasting up here is particularly bad. We had no freezing rain, and only an inch of snow. What is troubling though is that the roads are already terrible and we have a lot of winter left. I was watching Early Today the other day and they actually covered some weather in Alaska! It was very funny, they kept saying how cold it was going to be up here. I think the highs for the day were 30 here in Anchorage and 2 in Fairbanks. When the local news came on, all the weather people talked about was how nice and beautiful of a day we were going to have. I agree with the local news. It was a beautiful day. We had some interesting fog that made us think the city was burning down, but it was a nice day. Today we had some freezing fog that made the trees look absolutely beautiful. Because of the lack of sun it stuck around for much of the day too, so that was nice.

I think that it would be easier to not miss Minnesota if it weren't mentioned every day. I may have talked about this before, and if so I apologize. There is a commercial on right now talking about UAA playing the best teams in hockey and they mention Minnesota. All the standings and stuff for hockey are in the news every night too, because they have no professional sports up here, and they always have Minnesota up there. The Mayo clinic is, of course, always doing something that makes national news- probably about five times since we got up here. Also, people up here fly a lot. I mean A LOT. Many of them have made trips back to Minnesota, including our landlady, friends, and the senior pastor here. Not just once, but multiple times. National weather forecasts have also been midwest heavy lately. Apparently ya'll have had some weather. We could use some weather. Apparently we are supposed to have a foot of snow by now and we have only had 4.5"- and only an inch on the ground currently. I would be okay if the snow waits until after the baby comes, but that probably won't happen.

I try not to talk about politics, mostly because you either agree with me or me voicing my opinion on a blog wont have any effect on what you think so why waste everyone's time? Something really funny happened during the election though that I think you should know about, if you don't already. First of all, I don't understand how someone who thinks that evolution and the big bang theory are lies straight from the pit of hell is allowed to be on the US House of Representative's Science, Space and Technology Committee. I know he's not the only idiot in there, but let's move on. I am a little angry, however, that he ran unopposed in the election, but super thrilled for Charles Darwin, who received 4,000 votes as a write-in candidate. Go Darwin!

And of course, a bit of knowledge to help you in your day. The back of lions' ears are dark so that when they are hunting in a team, they can see each other. Also, Saturn's rings contain 26 million times the amount of water on earth. Neat, huh?

1 comment:

  1. The anti-science Representative is Paul Broun of Georgia. Being a nerd geek, I checked the statistics from the Georgia sec. of state. No other candidate (not even Darwin) was listed in the final vote tally for the 10th district. However, evidence of either voter antipathy towards Broun, or voter apathy is found in the statistic that only 70% of those casting a presidential ballot in his district also cast a vote for him. Remember, he was unopposed. Contrast that to Minnesota's 7th district where 97.5% of people casting a presidential ballot also cast ballots for the US House race. Rusty Nelson
