Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hiccups or arrhythmia?

Team Nelson had a surprisingly busy weekend.

First of all, car seats suck. Well, they wouldn't if we had a normal sized vehicle, but we don't, so they do. They say the safest place is in the center of the back seat. Not that we have an option because it won't fit behind either of the front seats. It is wedged in to the middle space where our arms hit it when we're in the car. Not only that, but even though the car seat comes with a multiple level thing so you can adjust it so the baby is reclined enough, it doesn't have the right level for our apparently super slanted back seat so we had to put a towel under it. This doesn't sound like a big deal, but figuring all this out in the back seat of a tiny car when its 20 degrees wasn't great fun.

The baptism of his first grandchild and the sudden deployment of his son once again took the senior pastor to Minnesota to spend some time with his family. This left Dan in charge of things this weekend. On Friday we attended a rehearsal dinner for the couple he married on Saturday. Saturday he was at church from noon-ish to nine to monitor things and do his first wedding. Sunday he did all the church business (two services, confirmation and adult bible study). My friend was very sleepy come Sunday afternoon. He is also preaching next Sunday but the church has a contingency plan in case an early baby comes. I feel it won’t be an issue though.

Saturday morning, I hung out with some friends and then we went to a craft fair downtown of locally made things from art to jam. This was especially convenient because I was able to do most of our Christmas shopping. I know it’s early, but I doubt that it will be high on our list of things we want to do in the middle of December with a newborn. The only problem is that I want to eat some of the stuff we got. I should probably wrap it up so I’m a little less tempted.

This should be a nice week for Dan- Monday was his day off and then with Thanksgiving he gets Thursday and Friday off too. I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is already this Thursday. It seems so early! We've been invited to a friend’s place, actually a couple places, so we are happy that we get to celebrate the holiday with a larger group of people, instead of just us alone in a basement. Wow, I make it sound so awful. If we were spending it alone it really wouldn't be that bad. Our apartment is plenty nice and we know how to cook.

On Sundays I always try to get up for church. I am probably successful 50% of the time based on sleep patterns and blood pressure. What I find annoying is the last two times I have gone to church I have been greeted by bugs in my morning time. Last Sunday was a centipede and two weeks before that was one of those fast spiders I have mentioned before. I’m sure some of you are thinking that it’s just that you are awake when the bugs are out and you’re noticing them. Well, let me tell you dear reader, regardless of church I am almost always awake at this time, so your hypothesis does not stand. My theory, which has not yet been proven wrong, is that God is saying, “Hey Dorisa, good effort getting up this morning! Here is a bug to really test your dedication to starting the day!” Dan disagrees with me but has offered no alternative idea. He, however, does dispose of the bug after a five hour period of cup purgatory.

At the doctor yesterday when listening to the baby's heartbeat we also got to hear his ferocious hiccups that I'm fairly sure he inherited from me. The doctor was concerned for a second that he developed an arrhythmia but no worries, he's good to go. He remains in correct position and thrashes about like he's stuck in a cage with wasps. His movements almost made me puke the other day. I was not amused.

Your education today is thus: During a solar eclipse, the temperature can suddenly drop by up to 35 degrees. It's good to learn things.

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