Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finally... a moose!

Attended baby class again on Friday. We did breathing exercises. We are NOT good at them. We laughed. A lot. It was like when you laugh in church. Everything was so quiet and you're just trying to stifle. But she said it's best if your partner can distract you, so we got an A in that.

Went to the doctor again yesterday. Everything is still good, I'm actually measuring a bit big (surprising considering I can still see my toes), AND I finally gained 2 pounds! This was exciting. So I asked in a hopeful manner, if I'm measuring 35 cm, does that give me any chance of this baby coming early? No, it does not. We're finally pretty set on a name. All we need is a car seat and diapers and we're ready for this thing.

After our errands yesterday, we were heading home and I told Dan we should go up on the hills sometime to look down into the bowl. He sugeested we do that, so we had a mini adventure. We went up on the hills and it is amazing how the climate is different up there. It is definietly winter and we weren't even that far up! We're talking icy roads and snow everywhere. When driving around anchorage lately, you can tell who lives on the hill because they come down into the bowl with four inches of snow on their car and the rest of us are quite snow free. We saw some views from the hill, but the vegetation where we were is pretty thick so there were no picture opportunities. We (and our teeny tiny car) are happy we live where we do though. Those hills would be terrifying for us when real winter comes. No, not terrifying, just not passable. Plus we've had a lot of clear sunny days down here recently which have been absolutely delightful.

Many of you have heard that I finally saw a moose. It was awesome. We think it was a relatively young bull moose and it was just walking around our neighborhood, much like the deer in Eagan. But the moose was not skittish, like a deer, and it was much bigger, obviously. I wanted to take a picture, but it was quite dark and apparently it's mating season so it's best not to annoy the bulls. Also, we were in our car, so our heads were probably a good five or six feet below his head and we felt the moose had the advantage when it came to speed and power. Dan also saw a moose on his run yesterday and chose to alter his route because of it. This one was a cow and didn't seem bothered by him or the small dog that was near, but Dan chose to go a different way just in case. I think the weirdest thing about the moose is that they just don't really care that you exist. Deer are always so on edge. You can't even make a sound or they will sprint away. That's not the case with moose. They seem to do what they want and if anyone is going to be running away, it is going to be the human. This does leave me in a bit of a perdicament though. My main goals while living here were to see a moose and the northern lights... what am I going to do for the rest of the year?

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