Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2 months left!

     I had another appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. Apparently everything I'm experiencing that makes me feel like I'm dying is normal, so I guess that's good too. My stomach regularly looks like there is an alien trying to get out. It is somewhat comical, but it also makes me feel like people are looking and wondering what I am doing that my stomach is so angry and exploding. It's even worse when I tell him to stop or he makes me jump and people hear or see me. Here's a picture to observe my progress. I can still wear a lot of my normal shirts so that's a nice money saver.
That shirt is not great in photos. The hands are in honor
of the penguin documentary I watched on Sunday.
     You Minnesotans should be thankful for your TV Emergency Alert System. We have had a couple of TV interruptions, which is not unusual, especially considering the flooding that has been going on up here. They last four minutes, cut in and out,both in picture and sound, and because of this not only do you miss your show, you have no idea what you should be alerted about. There was an amber alert that all we caught was "if you have any information please call..." and got none of the description of what to look for. Obnoxious. And it's always during the show- right after a commercial break. Heaven forbid the alert interrupts this gem of a commercial that is on ALL THE TIME. That one is not the exact one on, but that old guy is always dancing and the song is always the same. I prefer that one to the guy selling 4 x 4 trucks though and instead of saying "four by fours" he says "four befores."
     I found another house I would like to buy. It's only $55,000 and needs a bit of work, but the location is great and I want a project house. This will not happen, but it is fun to dream.


  1. Haha that commercial is REALLY funny. I imagine that it could get annoying, though. :)

    Hope you're feeling good even if you have to get up and eat spaghetti in the middle of the night! Crazy that there are only two months left.

    Also, we made beef pot roast last week and I thought it was too sweet. I decided the corn is the culprit. And maybe the peas. Next time I will put less of those things in.


    1. Yea, the first time the commercial was surprising, and then it was funny for a bit, but now we're kind of over it.

      I agree with you on the corn and peas. They are tricky little suckers. And the recipe I was kind of following said to put a frozen bag of each in, so there was definitely too much.

  2. I very much enjoy your penguin inspired picture, Dorisa! Too cute!

    1. Thanks Becca! I do still think of you every time I see penguins. I hope that is okay.
