Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Holy dreariness Batman

     Never have I lived in such a boring climate.  This time of year it is apparently 55 with a good chance of rain.  It sucks.  What makes it worse is that some of my computer settings still tell me the weather in the twin cities and that is just rubbing in the crappiness.  Sometimes it makes me sad that Dan didn't even consider the placements in Florida.  Apparently we are in some kind of storm right now involving high winds.  I'm not quite understanding the situation.  It looks like every other day. Cloudy and rainy.  We'll watch it develop but having spent time in Fargo I really don't see how this will be a problem.  Up in the hills and on the mountains may be another story but we don't go there so no worries.
     We still haven't met anyone who grew up in Anchorage, that I know of.  There is a mid-west potluck coming up in a couple weeks that will be fun.  Sooooo many people here are from the mid-west.   Those odds of us meeting them are probably increased since we are in a Lutheran congregation but still.  Everyone has been incredibly kind too.  Dan and I went to a game night last Friday and while he was at the Bishop thingy on Saturday I was invited to lunch with a couple ladies.  Tonight we are going to dinner at another person's house.  What is especially nice is that these are people OUR age.  It is awesome.  People of all ages here though have been wonderful.  They have had 5 interns here in a row so they have a system down to make us feel welcome and comfortable and to get us involved in the community.
     Dan has already given 2 sermons and has another one coming up on Sunday.  As far as I can tell, he's doing well.
     I'm so hungry.  All the time so hungry.  I'm not sure how many of you watch Warehouse 13 on Syfy but there was a hilarious episode where one of the characters is suddenly about 8 months pregnant (its on Syfy- weird stuff happens) and if you've been pregnant or spent a lot of time around a pregnant lady it is hysterical.  I think it's season 4 episode 5- watch it when it arrives on HULU if you're interested.

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