Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Voting is hard

     I am trying to vote. Absentee style. It is amazing how hard it is to find information on the local candidates. And then if I can find it, it often seems that I'm voting for the lesser of two evils. Maybe evil isn't the right term, but you get it. Voting should not be this difficult.
     Sorry to those of you who actually missed hearing my stories on Thursday. I didn't think it would be noticed but apparently it was. I have not been sleeping well at all and chose sleep over writing about nothing- because that is what was happening up to that point. On Thursday night we went out with some friends to a place called Moose's Tooth. They have unique pizza's and apparently very good beer. We had a good time and ate some seriously good pizza.
     On Friday we got our Costco membership set up through the church so we had quite a time exploring. We now have enough pasta to get us through the year and enough sauce ingredients to hopefully get us through part of the winter. I saw that they also have really inexpensive diapers there so I thought I would go online and check out the reviews. There was no consensus- its seems to be a love/hate thing. Who knows what we'll decide in the end. After Costco, we went to the recycling center to drop off our things. I miss the days where you can throw any recycling in a bin and it disappears from your curb. They only recycle plastics 1 and 2 up here and the only place to recycle glass is at Target, and who knows if it actually gets recycled since they don't do glass at the recycling center.
     The weather remains cloudy/rainy and 50 degrees here. We have some pretty trees, but since the climate doesn't support oaks and maples, we only get the yellow color. In the thirty minutes of sunshine yesterday though it was quite breathtaking. On my way home I pulled over for a second to get this picture in our neighborhood. This was pots-sunshine. It was prettier in real life. I promise.

     Apparently here though they get about a week of the colors, and then the leaves are gone. Winter is coming. (Game of Thrones? Anyone?)
     Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. It went well, I guess. I did my glucose test which was one of the worst things ever. I chose lemon lime because I thought it would be less sweet than orange. I don't know that I was correct. If you know anything about my passing out situations the worst things are sweets in morning time, standing, and warm. Well, it was 12:45, which isn't morning, but it was for me due to the lack of sleep. I had to stand while doing this, which was probably insignificant to anyone else, but I hated it and it got me all worried. I had to chug this drink that was like flat 7-Up in 5 minutes, which is a problem for me because I drink everything super slow and my gag reflex is a bit sensitive to such shenanigans. They gave me some information to review while doing this, and because its a clinic it was fairly warm. I saw some black dots, but it was fine once I was able to walk around a bit. They took my blood pressure pretty soon afterward and they didn't say it was high, but I bet it was higher than usual due to me being a bit worried about passing out.
     Apparently I'm not gaining weight like I should, but since the baby is still growing normally she said to not worry about it. Because of this news I will continue to enjoy my daily giant bowl of ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter. It is delicious and I refuse to feel bad about it. We were also told to take childbirth classes, which is a good idea, but costs a ton of money and I find that rude. We'll probably still do it though. Plus the fee includes a textbook, which is more than I can say of any college course I took.
     Dan is joining a running club that does races every Tuesday and is starting tonight. That should be fun for him. I will not be joining him.

1 comment:

  1. ... the ice cream chocolate and peanut butter sounds fabulous, you can afford to eat it though and I can't :) Too bad I can't just text you a few pounds. Missing you at bells ... love your blogs!
