Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hooray for punctual babies!

     Hooray for new nephews! Kieran Ray was born on Monday- right on his due date. Who doesn't love a punctual baby?
     It seems that I have had poor luck with plumbing this past year. On Palm Sunday this past spring, I got to church, felt terrible, and left. I think this is when the preggo sickness was starting. I went home to be greeted by the sound of a waterfall from a pipe bursting in the bathroom. Because of how sick I was feeling, I couldn't think clearly and really had no idea what to do. Eventually it was sorted but it was hugely annoying, but more so annoying for our downstairs neighbors.
     This past Saturday I was also feeling super crappy and Dan was doing the dishes and we heard a weird sound of water. Dan investigated and discovered the pipe below the sink had broken. Which we also dealt with a bit in our last place. It was dealt with in a pretty quick manner, but still annoying to say the least. I just wish these things happened when I wasn't sick and I was able to think clearly and attempt to help. Luckily the storm we were expecting didn't really happen in our neighborhood, so we didn't lose power. If we had lost power, I would have exploded. More storms are expected tonight and later this week though, so this is still a possibility.
     I am so excited for the day when I can buy a house and not rely on landlords and stuff to get things done. Hopefully when we move back I can find a job so we can stay there.
     Thanks to a kind man on the intern committee here at church, our bed no longer acts like a hammock. He cut some pieces of wood to assist the bed frame and got a piece of plywood to put between the box spring and the mattress and we no longer roll toward the middle of the bed. Since I have trouble sleeping anyway, this was a wonderful gift.
     I had heard that babies kick your ribs. This is a true statement. If it were the kicking alone I would be cool with it, but the pressure that is constantly on my ribs that I sprained 12 years ago is mostly unbearable. The doctor was right, it would have been better if I had broken them because then they would have healed. When I sit as straight as possible it isn't so bad, but good posture has never been something I've excelled at. I'm much better with the slouching. I've also developed muscle spasms near my collar bones that make it difficult to breathe and a somewhat husky cough. Dan calls it the cough of vomit death. He is scared each time he hears it. This will be mentioned to my doctor at my next appointment. Like everything else I've encountered while being pregnant, I will assume it's normal.
     Dan found a quarter. He is going to buy some candy.
     We are both having trouble adjusting to the monotonous weather here. I keep asking Dan what  the temperature is and it's always the same. Tomorrow we have a four degree temperature range. It's so weird. We had some sunshine yesterday and discussed how just looking outside, if we were in Minnesota it could have been anywhere from 40-90 degrees. I miss the days where anything can happen with the weather. It made life more eventful.

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