Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Three months to go!

     Well, after the power company posted an update pretty much guaranteeing power to everyone but outlying houses by Friday night, our power came back on Saturday morning. The house is back to making the beautiful sounds that houses make and I am once again able to sleep, as well as usual anyway. We spent the weekend cleaning up the place and getting the dust out of here. It was very dusty. We just have a couple more cupboards to go through and we will be fully settled in. Yay. We also have to glue the magnet on the bathroom door, but the glue we have been supplied with is toxic and has a warning that it causes birth defects so that will have to wait a bit. Our bathroom is separated from the rest of the apartment and has a fan, but the lady upstairs says the fan is really loud upstairs so we should probably wait until she’s out of the house for a while. 
     Dan was in charge of everything this past Sunday morning at church because Scott was out of town again. From what I can tell, it went well. It seems like Dan has had a lot of responsibility really early in this job, which is totally fine, but it makes me wonder what would have happened if they got an intern who didn’t have so much experience in the church.  Dan has been working 3 weeks and has already given 3 sermons and run a few Bible studies. He is the only pastoral staff person in the office for the rest of the week, but then he should get a bit of a break.

The Sanctuary at Gloria Dei.  Not too big; not too small.
     We had our first appointment on Monday and met our doctor. She seems very nice and so does her head nurse. We had to go over a whole general history thing of course and it bothers me that when this happens and they ask if I have any major medical issues or have had surgery and I say no, they don’t believe me.  The nurse just kept looking at me in wonder so I tried helping her out a bit by telling her that I sometimes have problems with low blood pressure and hypoglycemia, but that apparently didn’t count. We did a quick teeny ultrasound and belly measurement and everything looked exactly as it should and the doctor changed my due date back to December 6. Three months to go! I know I’m not very big, but I’m already sick of my limited mobility. I’m not used to not being able to bend the way I want to and I forget and then I try and it doesn’t go well. I still have use of my stomach muscles so I’m usually able to sit up and switch sides when sleeping like normal, but I fear this skill is on loan and will soon be taken away from me. Our doctor told me to start doing kick counts once every day for an hour and make sure there are 10 movements. I don't know that there is an hour in which this kid doesn't move at least 30 times. Super active. Oh, and he started kicking my ribs, that's fun.

     This is the first bump picture I have taken. I wanted to do more, to coincide with the weekly fruit/veggie size, but since no one could even tell I was pregnant until 20 weeks, and it remained debatable until about 24 weeks, this didn't happen. Plus, pretending to be happy when you are so sick you can't stand up didn't sound like a good time. Anyway, last week baby was an English hothouse cucumber (no one knows what this means), this week he is a head of cauliflower, and next week he is a Chinese cabbage. Our child is very international. We think we have a name picked out, but its hard to know without seeing the little guy. Hopefully we'll think of a couple more options just in case the one we have doesn't suit him. 
     Note from Dan: We are accepting bribes to name our child, although with no guarantee. So, you can give us money and we will name the kid what we want to.


  1. Dorisa--I'm glad your humor is back after the horrible power ordeal. Be well!


  2. Yay for the pic! Thanks Dor. Maybe each week for the next 3 months you can take a fruit/veggie picture :)

  3. BABY BUMP!! Yippee! Also, I'm very glad your power is back. I was at a family function last weekend and was telling Jill Larson about your unfortunate power outage--we were feeling sad for you but were also talking about how cool you guys are and how much HOP misses you guys. :)

    I'm sure John will want in on the bribing thing. I'll be sure to let him know.
