Thursday, September 13, 2012

I would like some fall weather please.

     We bought snow boots. Very exciting things are happening here in the Last Frontier. I almost didn't post today because of all the excitement. It is simply astonishing how midwesty it is up here. Our dishes (the majority anyway) have loons on them, so do some of our decorations in the kitchen. There is a woman who came over for a quick visit who said she has the same dishes at her cabin in northern Minnesota. Speaking of which, this was nice to see today. I really do enjoy living in Minnesota and I like when other people hear how great it is, but I do think its a sign of general pessimism when instead of being called the best state to live in, it is simply the least miserable. Right now I miss the weather most of all. It's like some late October weather here, so I got no late August or September transitional fall weather, it is just all of a sudden very cool. The weather is almost always 50-55 degrees and usually rainy. It's a bit dull.
     There is a midwest potluck tonight at the church.  It starts at 6:12.  I don't really know why. I have learned that people are not prompt in Alaska. This was told to me by many people here- I'm not trying to be judgmental. To prove my point, I am writing this at 6:00 and there are 2 people here, besides me and some people in a meeting.
     We finally have everything cleaned up in the apartment and it is glorious. We have had an incident with our space heater though. We had it on for quite a while and it leaked some kind of oil. It's an electric heater that looks like a radiator. We don't know why it leaked or what exactly it was that leaked, so we cleaned it up and put it away. For all we know, it was on too long and simply started melting.  Who knows.
     Super short post today, seriously nothing is happening. We're expecting another windstorm this weekend so I'm sure I'll have words next week.

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