Sunday, April 14, 2013

The sun returns... with a vengeance...

Our little guy is very healthy. Twenty-six inches long and 15 pounds 8 ounces. We both thought he would be heavier based on belly size and the fact that we’re the ones holding him all the time. Fiftieth percentile in everything except length where he is 85th. He has a bit of eczema that comes and goes on his cheek, but this is normal. Good to go.

Oskar has officially had his first soupy solids. It went as well as one could hope. He’s been interested in watching us eat for about a month now and on the day we started him on solids I was eating while nursing him and every time I took a bite he would stop and look up at me and seemed way more interested in what I was doing than what he was doing. I took that as a sign, but we were going to start anyway, so whatever. We are adjusting to two bottles a day now and finally moved up to the bigger bottle and nipple size- a little late, but I forgot about it. Oskar seems fine, so I think it’s okay. He is still usually kicking and punching me while he nurses except in the night and the first one of the day. One cute thing he does though is he’ll look at me with a giant smile and giggle a bit and then start eating again, as if to say, “I’m having a great time, thanks mom.” He’ll do that like five times in a row. It’s adorable.

Dan was in Seattle most of last week. There were plenty of people I could have called for help if I needed it, but I was interested to see if I could do it on my own. Well, we made it, but I had semi-convinced myself that it would seem more like three days instead of four because he was only away two nights. Well, we dropped him off at the airport at 5:30 AM Monday and picked him up at 2:00 AM Friday. It was a LONG four days. Plus, considering Oskar actually sleeps most of the night, those were not ideal airport times at all.

I bought our plane tickets. Oskar and I will be returning on June 19. That’s only two months away! Barb will be coming up for a while and then helping me come home with Oskar and then Rusty will be coming up in July, going to Denali with Dan and then helping him finish everything up and moving the rest of the stuff home. I was thinking about going to Denali, but with Oskar and me being out of shape it didn't seem like it was worth the money for me to go. All I really wanted to do was see McKinley and I can do that from here anyway. This way Dan can do some of the longer more wildernessy hikes and possibly camp if Rusty is interested. I was looking forward to the train ride up there because the scenery is supposed to be beautiful, but really the scenery everywhere up here is beautiful so I won’t miss out on too much. I have a coupon for horseback riding just outside of town here up in the mountains so I plan on doing that and I am PUMPED.

It's good to fold your hands and feet. Don't mind my toe lint.

I found another giant spider (my definition of giant, not a normal person’s). I put it in tea cup jail to think about what it had done and to die a slow death since Dan was out of town. I know I see more spiders in a room than most people do- my eyes are just drawn to them I guess, but I know that I still only see a fraction of what is there. This makes me angry and sad.

The sunlight is already being awesome up here. Official sunrise is 6:40 AM and sunset is 9:21 PM, but it is light-ish before and after those times, so it’s really throwing us off. Especially when we want to call or text our parents and we figure that since it is still light out, it’s still early enough to do that. That may have been true in December when it was dark at three, but not so much anymore and we have a lot more light to gain yet. It is very weird and very hard to adjust to such quick changes in daylight.

Anyone else’s kid look at you and smile as they are pooping? This is very weird. I know you can’t tell, but I just took a break from writing this to feed Oskar. I don’t understand how one ounce can be the difference between, “How dare you stop feeding me to burp me! I’m still hungry and I’m going to scream at you until you fix it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” and “I’m so full and happy I think I’ll fall asleep now until it’s time to poo.” So dramatic.

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