Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Superb Owls

It has been quite balmy as of late. It’s kind of nice, because of hauling the baby around and everything, but it is definitely not the winter we expected when we found out we were moving to Anchorage. We were expecting snow. Lots and lots of snow. We have not gotten lots and lots of snow. Dan is sad. I’m just surprised. Part of me thought since they got so much snow last year, they wouldn't be getting as much this year, but the other part of me thought I was making stuff up. We were able to walk with Oskar to church tonight. That went well. He didn't notice that we were outside.

Dan and I were able to go see Les Miserables last Friday with the help of some friends who were able to babysit for us and some other friends who gave use free tickets. We both enjoyed it immensely and I hardly cried at all. Hopefully when we get back to the cities we can go to the stage production- Dan has not seen it and he needs to.

Oskar is now over two months old. He is relatively portly and we recently noticed that he reacts to being tickled now. He has a great laugh. He is such a great baby. I’m usually the one who puts him to sleep at night and he likes to be held for a while, but then squirms when he’s ready to be put down. Then he likes to suck on his pacifier for a bit, and when he’s done, he simply spits it out and closes his eyes and goes to sleep. It’s not always this simple, but it has occurred quite a few times and I find that impressive. We took an official 2 month picture, but I can't get the computer to recognize my SD card, so that will have to wait. So for now, enjoy this one:

Dan did his first funeral last week and he said it went pretty well. As far as funerals go, I guess it was the good kind because it was a 90-something that had lived a good life and not a tragic accident of a young kid.

We were very rushed before getting picked up for the Super Bowl party we were going to. It was a whole mess of getting the Cheps (Oskar) ready and making a giant batch of guacamole, which is never a tidy process. We were successful on both counts, although there was guac all over the table for a while and we had to leave a bunch of food scraps out so when we came home there was an onion explosion. Also, I got to the party and realized my shirt was on inside out. That wasn't the surprising part though. The surprising part was that I didn't care and I wasn't even a little bit embarrassed. I was more annoyed, because it was just another thing I had to do. Oskar did pretty well at the party, but there were about 50 people there and he was a bit over stimulated so around the time of the blackout he and I escaped to a quiet location and talked about what we are going to do in the upcoming year. I don’t know if he could actually understand or if he just thought the sounds were funny, but he got super excited whenever we talked about meeting more aunts and uncles. By the way, Super Bowl is a ridiculous name for an athletic championship. Just think about it. Dan and I still intend to host our Superb Owl Crock Pot party as soon as we have a home that can fit more than six people. See you in ten years.

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