Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More pictures!

Ugh, there are no jobs for which I am qualified. I received many good suggestions from my friends about what to do, but most involved more education. While I don’t completely object, I already have a couple degrees and it would be nice if I could use them. Also, there is a reason that I got the degrees I did- it’s because I like them. If I wanted to do something else, I would have done that. At this point though, I just don’t want to have wasted five years of school.
Oskar is becoming a bit difficult in his old age. He is still a super easy baby compared to some I’ve heard about, but he is getting a bit fussier as he realizes that he controls his parents. They say that babies can’t build habits until they are three months old, so around then I’ll try not to pick him up right when he starts crying. It’s hard though- he is so freaking loud. I wish we had a larger place because it sounds like he’s screaming in a closet and it seriously hurts the ears.
It’s  5:45 and Oskar hasn’t pooped yet today. Who is scared to go to church tonight? It’s me. He’s going to explode. Everyone will hear. It’s another thing he does with great volume. And in this case, it will be both in size and sound.
This is mostly a post just for Oskar pictures. Enjoy!

"Yes, I know I'm super sweet."

(Add belly laugh here.)

Very happy pre-carseat.

"What have they done to me? I am planning my revenge."

Yea, this is probably one of the sweetest things that has ever happened.

This is the face I got when I put him down when he was almost asleep. Laughter followed.

"Look how strong I am! My head is huge!"


  1. Oskar's facial expressions look so much like Dan! And he is the cutest baby even though it is a little creepy to see a tiny Dan face.

    1. Sarah, you are hilarious. I actually laughed out loud at your comment.

  2. If you looked up cuteness in the dictionary, I do believe these pictures would show up! He is getting so big. I love seeing pictures, thanks for posting:)

  3. What can I say? These are precious! I shared them with my co-workers and they all agreed!
