Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who doesn't love a baby in a space suit?

     We are using some kind of Saturn car for the year.  Not only do I find myself sitting on the ground unable to see anything in this great world of trucks, but I go to fill gas and can't find the lever to pop open the gas cover.  So I look for the book.  No dice.  What kind of car doesn't have a book?  Then I decided to channel my inner top gear nerd and found it in about 2 seconds.  We were under a quarter tank and I filled it completely full.  Total gas entered: 8.3 gallons.  That was different.  I'm used to putting in 19.  I joked that its such a generic car that it doesn't even say what kind of Saturn in is on the outside- Dan looked on the insurance card and it said SL.  It about as plain a car as you can get.  But it's working well and I'm sure it gets decent mileage so lets see how far our 10 gallon tank takes us.
     I decided to take care of some business today so I attempted to go to the clinic to drop off some forms and pick up some forms, and then run to Tidal Wave Books to pick up a cheap baby name book because our kid will probably need a name and we don't have one.  One would think this an easy day of tasks, after all, its not very much. Well, one would be wrong.  Finding the clinic wasn't too bad, I will blame my trouble on my phone's directions and poor building labeling.  Once I was inside everything was wonderful and it seems like a good place so that's exciting.
     The bookstore was a whole different story.  Oi.  It sits facing a one way street going west and there is a one way street going east behind it.  It is in the middle of a strip mall that you can't enter from the east or west side of the block and there was giant construction going on so you can barely access it from the eastbound road on the south side.  In sum: hard to get in, I don't know exactly where I'm going, and because of my teeny tiny car, I can't see anything.  Luckily my trials paid off and I was greeted by a wonderfully organized, easy to navigate, inexpensive bookstore.  I even came across this little treasure:
     I didn't buy it.  But it was nice to look at.  Who doesn't love a baby in a space suit?  If you don't, you are wrong.
     Recently I had a dream that I was a speaker at a presentation about the Higgs boson.  Correction, not A speaker, THE speaker.  I knew everything and I was thoroughly enjoying my speaking time (weird).  It was a really long dream and I knew so much that when I woke up I seriously thought I should go back to school to become a physicist.  It took me a good 5 minutes to realize that that was a bad idea.  I blame this dream on the fact that I watched 2 episodes of the Big Bang Theory before going to bed.  One was about Sheldon's fear of public speaking and in the other, Leonard was invited to CERN.  From this my mind makes magic.  Let's face it; a world where I am a physicist and enjoy public speaking would be pretty magical.  I would also have a job... SUPER magical.


  1. Yep, your'e right...who wouldn't love a baby in a space suit. I'm just relieved to know though that the search for a name is not limited to Sci Fi names. ha!

  2. Wow ... you leave cities under construction and arrive in one under construction! Not to mention a baby under construction ... mmmm, name construction ... a good job!
