Monday, August 13, 2012

In the beginning...

     You will all be very excited to know that there is a picture of me in the airplane safety brochure.  Some of you know that one time while flying to a dance competition I had to change into my costume on the plane.  It was a tight squeeze but I emerged after about 5 minutes with feathers popping out of the top of my jacket and on the top of my head only to find the captain of the plane had been waiting for me the whole time.  Well, the reason I’m in the brochure is that every cartoon character in there is dressed as a normal person and then there is this girl in the “braced for impact” position sitting there in a tutu and her pointe shoes.  I guess it’s good that the artists have some humor in their life.  Observe:
     After we got through security everything went incredibly smoothly.  I now know that all of Sun Country’s flights leave in the morning.  I was pretty impressed with the employees though, both Sun Country and TSA, who got things straightened out and kept them moving as much as possible.  While backing away from the gate we hit something, so that was a new experience.  I still don’t really understand what happened regardless of the pilot's announcement.  Funny how we strain to hear what the pilot says but the flight attendant’s announcements about food are loud and clear (I got a pizza, it was delicious).  Anyway they got it checked out and everything was fine.
     The flight was super empty so we were able to spread out a bit and actually be comfortable enough to get some rest.  Most of the people on the flight are middle aged men who I have decided are the ideal flying companions.  From observing their reading material and their cribbage boards I have deduced that most are hunters/campers/fishermen.  These guys know how to fly.  They are quiet and friendly and apparently full of surprises.  The two burly bearded men sitting in front of us ordered white wine spritzers- and the Sprite they mixed their wine with was Sprite Zero.  I just didn’t see it coming.  


  1. Okay, this just made my day! I was on this flight with you. I love the brochure pic!! I'm glad you made it safely with a slice of pizza to boot. Day one of your new adventure is almost history and Day two will be unpacking and exploring. You and Dan will be in my prayers for a quick transition and an exciting journey. Love you kiddo!

  2. This was fun to read. Love the name of your blog. We were happy to hear that the flight went well and the adventure has begun. Each of you will be in our prayers every day for happiness, health, and all you need.
    Love ya lots!
