Sunday, January 13, 2013

So many things from my head

For those of you who come to the blog not via Facebook, here is the poo series:

Today is the senior pastor’s last day at church. He’s a great guy, so it’s sad to see him go, but quite understandable that the time has come for him to move on. His wife is staying here through May so hopefully she’ll continue coming to church so we can keep seeing her. I don’t know if that would be weird for her or the Interim if she continues coming though. We’ll see what happens. One neat thing is that since they are moving to SW Minnesota, we can visit them pretty easily once we move back to Minnesota.

We still don’t know when we’re coming home. I hate not knowing. June? Great! August? Fine! Just let me know. I like to plan things and it’s not like knowing would really let me plan a lot, but not knowing makes me feel like a vagrant. Yes, a vagrant.

Dan finally got assigned a supervisor by the Bishop. It will be the Bishop. No pressure. Really, there probably isn’t any, but it sounds a bit intimidating. I don’t think they have an Interim yet, so next week will begin Dan’s marathon sermon training. There are a couple other people who said they will give a sermon over the next few months, but mostly it will be Dan. Luckily he’s been giving sermons for a few years now. He’s looking forward to it. His original choice for an internship was a church where he would have been the main pastor, so it’s nice that he’ll get a bit of a feel for that. Are you a pastor? Do you want to live in Anchorage for a bit? If so, contact whoever you would contact for such things.

Speaking of marathon training, Dan is also starting that for real marathons. He plans to run the Mayor’s Marathon this summer up here. With a new baby, an exhausted wife, a suddenly more demanding job and only one car (to get to the gym while the roads are too slippery for outdoor training) hopefully he will be able to train like he wants.

I’m watching a program where they just said one aspect of a grizzly bear is that they are a gentle giant and that if you are near one just watch for cues and let them choose how close they let you come to them. They are going to get sued (the writers, not the bears).

I myself have started the glorious process of job hunting. It’s a bit tricky because I don’t know if it’s appropriate to apply for jobs and then say, hey I’m not available for at least 5 months. Usually when there is a job opening, one would think that the position is already vacant and needs to be filled now, not 5 months from now. I’ll probably wait a month or two and then send some out. I haven’t really found anything I’m qualified for yet anyway. There was(is?) an opening for an architectural blog writer that I think would be neat, but then I thought about writing that cover letter: “Hi, I consider myself a decent writer, although I have no professional experience and haven’t even taken a writing focused class since high school. Oh and by the way, I don’t live in the Twin Cities right now, so can we Skype for an interview? Also, I won’t be back until at least June, but possibly August, so I hope that’s okay too. No worries; I can telecommute. Hope that’s cool.”  Yea, I don’t know, to ask for all that I just felt I really should have more to offer the position. I would also really prefer a job on the design end of things. Although really, a full-time position in any field will do, I am formally educated in architecture and anthropology. For real, if you hear about anything I might be able to do, let me know. I reek of desperation and I think that’s okay.

I also need to find new health insurance so Oskar can be a healthy boy when we return to Minnesota. Have whatever opinion you want about Obamacare, but I could really use that insurance marketplace thing that will be up in 2014. I hate finding health insurance. It’s stupid and it makes me feel stupid. And then I feel like I get it, but it seems how my current plan works with its wording doesn’t line up with how the other plans work, and it’s all from the same company so it makes me crazy. This sounds confusing I know, but I get what I’m trying to say. I’m dreading this much more than finding a job. Check back with me in a couple months though to see where I am.

My mom and dad got me new gym shoes for Christmas (I refuse to call them tennis shoes; it is irrelevant to my use of shoes. I could use the term sneaker, but I don’t like that word very much and its use makes me feel like a grandma in sitcom). They are black, white, pink and blue, and quite honestly a bit girlier than any gym shoe I’ve had since probably second grade (pink and white LA Gears, they came with a matching license plate style key chain that said, get this, ‘LA GEAR’). I am inexplicably drawn to them though. They look like they will make me go super fast, so that is encouraging. I also find myself hoping that pregnancy has cured all my aches and pains and working out will feel better than it used to. My body is a bit unconventional medically, so I thought this was a fair hope. The excruciating pain I feel in my knees when getting down to and up from the floor to change Oskar’s diapers suggests otherwise.

Ugh, this stupid bear program! “Our fear gets in the way of appreciating our similarities.” Um, I disagree, but I do know that a lack of fear has gotten many people killed by grizzlies, so there’s that. Some of you may ask: why doesn’t she change the channel? Well, surprisingly, there isn’t much on at 5:00 am on a Sunday and my kid keeps grunting and pooping, so I can’t sleep. That is why, mon frère. 

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