Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oskar is sleeping! I can update the blog!

On Monday we had Oskar's 6 week appointment. He has moved from the 50th percentile to the 75th and the doctor said he looks really good. We had four vaccinations to do, three shots and an edible one. The edible one was fine, but our little friend didn't care for the shots, or the removal of the band-aids for that matter. He did get a little fever, but not high enough to warrant calling the clinic. We gave him some acetaminophen and the temp was back to normal about a day later, most the time it was at 99.5ish, so nothing to worry about.

Post-appointment nap. He won. 
Oskar is smiling and making sounds now, so it’s getting to be a lot more fun to play with him. He is very expressive, which I  think he gets from Dan. He even likes Peek-a-boo. I hate that game and I think it’s stupid, but I participate nonetheless. He’s also drooling a lot. I thought that babies only really started drooling when they were about to get teeth; luckily I was wrong. He scared us a bit the other day because there was a lot of blood in his ear. Luckily it wasn't coming out of his ear. His nails were long; he wasn't wearing his little mittens and scratched himself a bit. He didn't care. Ears bleed a lot.

We went to our baby class reunion on Saturday. It was fun to see all the babies, but a bit awkward at the same time because we really don’t know each other that well and we probably won’t be seeing each other again. We were pretty well aware that our child has large feet, but we compared his feet to another baby who was a little older, who was also told he had large feet. Oskar's were about 3/4” larger. They are cute feet, but they are by no means little baby feet. When they did his foot prints at the hospital they barely fit in the boxes. There are a couple clothing items he can’t wear anymore because his feet get squished. He’s officially out of newborn clothes and is even wearing a couple 3 mos. outfits. Life would be easier if baby clothes were sized the same. They need a universal template.

I am working on applying for a job I saw posted online a few days ago. Due to the lack of software on my computer, I am finding it very difficult and it is taking a lot longer than I would like. A few files I need are the wrong file type and I don’t have what I need to convert them. Don’t worry, I found a solution, but it’s a bit annoying. Given my history with applying for jobs it just seems like a lot of work for a job I’m probably not going to get. Oh well, I must keep trying. No, I’m not pessimistic, I’m realistic and my lack of optimism has a solid foundation of rejection.

I watched a program the other day called How William Shatner Changed the World. It was quite entertaining. It was more how Star Trek changed the world, but Shatner hosted so that’s that. At one point he was wearing a nice button down shirt, what looked like yellow chinos and then black Velcro-strapped sandals with white gym socks. Don’t they have people in charge of making sure that doesn't happen? Then again, maybe the audience they were expecting for that program wouldn't generally care about such things. I learned many things though, including that the transporter was a last minute addition. They were going to have a shuttle craft, but it wasn't finished in time so they were going to have five or six episodes where the shuttle wasn't available. Oh happy accidents. The “beam me up” is the first thing many people think about when they hear Star Trek, and for some (an unfortunate group to be sure) it is the only thing they know about the franchise.

I also had my 6 week postpartum appointment. I am healthy again! I am actually down below my pre-pregnancy weight around where I was in eighth grade. That was exciting. It becomes less exciting when I remember that muscle weighs more than fat and I have zero muscle right now due to my immobility during pregnancy. We’ll see what happens when I start exercising again. Knowing my body, I wasn't surprised that I lost the weight so easily. For better or for worse, my body continues to be weird. I have mentioned this before, I know, so I will now provide some examples for those who are unaware.
1.      When I went to college, I decided to have my cholesterol checked just to see where I was at. I still don’t know how they figure this stuff out, but they didn't give me a number for my bad cholesterol because they couldn't detect my triglycerides. Seriously, I don’t know how this works, but I found it weird that they couldn't detect any triglycerides and because of this provided me with no number. Shouldn't there be a number?
2.      Regardless of what I eat and how much I exercise, I have only been successful in losing weight twice pre-baby. In fact, usually when I try to lose weight, I gain weight. Probably it's muscle weight, but it happens really quick that it's a bit discouraging. One time I lost weight was when I got some terrible illness that still has not been identified and the other was when I got pregnant. Both times I lost ten pounds in about a week. Kristin and I recently discussed how having a baby is a great way to lose weight for the two of us. I think my body was throwing in an extra reward for the 9 months of hell (in addition to the pretty baby).
3.      I sprained a rib in eighth grade. It still hurts. I still feel ridiculous telling people I sprained a rib. I barely believe that it’s possible, why should they?
4.      I went to the doctor and she told me to eat more red meat and salt. Best. Day. Ever. (I kept passing out- turns out I have low blood pressure and sudden drops in blood sugar. Nasty combination.)
5.      This is perhaps the strangest and truly unique. I have encountered two natural piercings on my body (see image below, sorry if it disgusts you). I now only have one because I kept sticking stuff through the one on my neck and apparently it didn't like it. No one knows what these are. You may ask: how did I find them? Well, it looked like I could stick something through it, so I tried, and I was successful. 

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