Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shaken, not stirred.

We had an earthquake! It was a 5.8 (I know I said 5.7 on Facebook, but they changed it), lasted about 30 seconds and the epicenter was about 25 miles away from us. Apparently it was a fairly large one for its location, which was along the coast. I kept thinking it was over but it felt like it grew after it paused every time.  Our landlady said it was the biggest one she had felt in many, many years and she was very sweet and came down to check on us afterward. Some reported that things on walls fell off, but we didn’t have anything happen. Our greeting cards didn’t even tip over. It felt really big though, especially to us. I was napping. It was a very violent alarm clock; somewhat reminiscent of when Dan used to jump on the bed to wake me up.

One of the things I wanted to experience while here was an earthquake. Well, it has been experienced, and I must report that neither Dan nor I were particularly fond of it and the more I think about it I dislike it more. There are few instances in my life where I have felt less in control of a situation. And then it just kept going. We prefer tornadoes. They most often some with a warning, you get an awesome green sky, you go hide in the basement if necessary and it passes, usually outside of a town. It’s true that my life has never been much affected by a tornado, but still- the tornado comes, chances are you can get out of the way. The earthquake was everywhere. There is no escape. Instinct says get outside where nothing can fall on you, but apparently that’s wrong. But we live in a basement where the house could fall on us, and I believe that is wrong. By the time one makes a decision, hopefully nothing has happened and you are in the bathroom with one shoe on because you couldn’t decide what to do (no this is not what happened, we were much less smart than this, we just stayed put). In summary: we’re good on earthquakes; they can stay bottled up until we leave. Thank you for the experience.

No baby yet, but my doctor said things are progressing nicely and did something on Monday to hopefully help him along. We’ll see. I’m pretty stubborn; baby might be too. The due date is technically Thursday and I’ll go in to get hooked up and checked on then if he isn’t coming and we’ll schedule an induction date for next week that hopefully we won’t have to use. My doctor doesn’t like to go past a week overdue because in her experience, the babies tend not to like the contractions very much. She didn’t seem concerned though and just wants a contingency plan in case he doesn’t want to arrive on his own. I’m sure it’s partially for my sake to, just so I can see an end to my misery. My Achilles tendonitis has returned and my knee is super sore due to the stretching out of ligaments and tendons and the extra billion pounds so walking hurts super bad, which is unfortunate because walking can help move labor along. I had forgotten how much these injuries hurt. They hurt real bad.

My child gets the hiccups at least once a day. His size makes everything shake. It was cool at first, but now I don’t care for it.

From here on out, blog posts might be somewhat sporadic for a while. I’m sure you all get this, but just an FYI that this won’t be high on my list of things to do.

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