Sunday, June 9, 2013

Video time!

This post is sponsored by a friend who generously offered to hold Oskar during Bible study so I could get this done. (Some of you may be wondering why I very rarely use names when I talk about my friends. I figure that it is my choice to put my life publicly on the internet, and they have a right to their privacy. I know they probably wouldn't care, but I think it's a good choice.)

If you can't figure out what he is doing in that video, you don't need to know. He's a funny guy. I know it's long, but if you choose to watch it, make sure you see the triumphant squeal at the end.

Dan and I had a cinematic adventure yesterday. We went and saw Star Trek and enjoyed it immensely. I was especially glad that there was a Tribble in it. Sweet. Unfortunately, I was cold the whole time because I had to wear a skirt. "You always wear skirts, why did you HAVE to wear a skirt?" Valid question. There was baby food on every pair of pants I have. Last night we did laundry.

Oskar can babble!

The mosquitoes up here are really bad this year, especially around our house. I find myself jogging to the car and down the hill just to escape the swarm. They also seem to congregate on our door so whenever we open it we let in the mass. We went to Kincaid Park the other day with some friends and the bugs were pretty bad there too. I tried using Oskar's baby bug spray and I’m pretty convinced that it made me even more delicious. I got bitten all over. Oskar wasn't wearing any and I don't think he got bit at all. Either that or he reacts to bites like Dan, so not at all. Meanwhile, I am doing everything I can to not scratch at the over twenty bites I got and at least one of them has already started forming a ring around it. Awesome. For a while we were all going on the Frisbee golf course but then it got too buggy for me and my friend, who is pretty pregnant, was ready for a break. Also, it was pretty much four wheeling up and down hills umbrella stroller style, so I was getting quite a work out. We exited stage right and sat up on the hill in the sun to chat and take pictures of Oskar and the beautiful scenery. It was great. I also went out to lunch with this same friend on Friday and discovered that you get a free Tootsie Pop with your meal at Thai Kitchen. This made my day. I find that when I eat Tootsie Pops I always look for the guy shooting the star with the bow and arrow and I have absolutely no idea why.

Oskar is six months old? Can you believe it? Tomorrow we have more shots and get to find out how big our big guy has become. He's already almost too tall for his car seat. Our current car seat was a very generous gift. The next one is going to be expensive.

I am all for exposing Oskar to everything at least once so when I buy him food I get a mixture of organic and non-organic, different grains every time and anything else that I can do for him to try new things and everything. This included trying prunes yesterday. My mom told me not to, because she knows he's pretty regular, but I wanted him to try them so we had prunes. Mistake. It was one thing when he exploded poo style when he was only on breast milk and formula, but this was a whole new level of mess. We usually eat one container of veggies or fruit per day. We did not eat the second half of that container last night. I’m just glad that our babysitter didn't need to deal with it. At least we know what works if he gets plugged up in the future.

Crazy eyes! Prune feeding was not our cleanest event. He's becoming a pretty good eater so I almost changed before I fed him. I'm glad I decided not to.
So we have a hot baby. When he is fussy, we just take off his clothes and blow on him a bit to cool him off. He was crying shortly before this video was shot. This is also why you rarely see him in clothes. He's pretty much just in a diaper and socks all the time unless we go out into the world.

This land of the midnight sun thing is crap. It is incredible how much having this amount of daylight messes with your internal clock. It should not be twilight at midnight and it should not be dawn before four. And it’s only going to get worse!

I am enjoying my new camera so much. I haven't played too much with the editing software that came with it, but it seems to be pretty easy to use and I have been able to improve the couple images I have worked with. Today we are going on another hike and hopefully I will be able to get more scenery shots. I got a couple the other day but the weather was weird so the shots aren't as good as they might be today. I took the shot below the other day. It's a bit crooked. It's an okay picture, but even after I fixed it up, it's not the best. I might keep working on it though. I hear the weather in Minnesota has not been great. Apparently Alaska has "never had this much summer." We'll try to bring some back with us.

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